Wednesday, March 28, 2007

2; an influential soul

blogging issue for this week encompasses a person, who is influential in any field of human endeavour. given the wide scope of this topic, perhaps it would be prudent to look a little closely at what the question demands.

influential? states that influential is referred to one that is conidered of considerable importance of significance. that being said, i feel that no one fits the bill better than one of time's greatest samaritans, mother teresa.

mother teresa. an amazing woman who delved selflessly into the realm of humanitarism voluntarism and reached out to people who needed aid and assistance. i feel that without her efforts in raising awareness and influencing the world population at large for her noble efforts, we are unlikely to venture out into such work now.

neither would we go beyond the regular call of duty to assist someone who requires help, or to be caring and considerate in our daily lives. she gained internation prominence also as someone who advoated the needs of the poor and the hungry.

people may know of her existence, but we barely take recognition or even are aware of her efforts. so i hope and believe that this post aids in acknowledged this ordinary, yet extraordinary woman.

she assisted th hungry in ethiopia, radiation victims in chernobyl and also earthquake victims in armenia. this is quoted from wikipedia. why would someone attempt such wide scale humanitarian work, if not for the fact that she believed in the beauty and grace of being helpful beings in life.

however, another thing that she did that truly touched my heart was that she rescud thirty seven children trapped in a front line hospital by brokering a temporary ceasefire between the israeli army and palestinian guerillas. i feel that it does not only show her sincerity in helping but also shows the tremendous amount of courage that she displayed by risking herself in saving those children.

her efforts in starting missionaries like the missionary of charity and home for the dying demonstrates inevitable perseverance in her pursuit that all people be helped, irregardless of what painful ailments and conditions that they may face.

i feel that for all th recognition that she has been given has not been moot as it has brought a new level of humanitarian work. i am sure that humanitarian organisations formed, like the red cross humanitarian network and other similar foundations started because of mother teresa succeeding in instilling in people the attitude of being graceful and caring.

we all have a lot to learn.. not just from mother teresa. but from all the influential people that have somehow shaped our thinking, our beliefs and our behaviour towards the various human endeavours.

thus, i end my post, or rather my assignment, as to who i feel is influential in the humanitarian field.

take care.

2; current issue - instability in thailand

bangkok, while tourism grows in the heart of it's shopping paradise in central bangkok, it is sad that many have turned a blind eye to the issue of political unstability in the south of thailand. people may follow the news, hence being aware of the situation, yet still remain ignorant to the severity of the situation.

many feel that it is due to the racial and religious tension between the thai muslims and the buddhists, but many articles prove otherwise. channelnewsasia's report on the 23 of march showed that the muslims share close cultural links with others, irregardless whether is across national boundaries (that is with neighbours in malaysia) or just with other races in the country.

the feeling of alienation, discontent with the ineffectiveness of a military-imposed government and also socio-econimic problems have led to tension.

initially the locals welcomed the idea of the military imposed government, which i feel is because they are going to feel protected and have corrupt policies implemented by thaksin shinawatra eliminated for the benefit of all. however, they feel disappointed that there is a lack of efficiency in corruption probes (quoted channel newsasia, march 24).

i feel that this has made them feel alienated, and alone, since they cannot trust the government, which led to tension between the different groups. it may be that because the southern area mainly comprises of two racial groups, it's much easier to have suspicions about the other racial or religious group.

this problem is still not being solved. recently, the thailand military chief, general sonthi boonyaratglin stated that the government has to implement a state of emergency on thailand. i believe this is one of the feasible options since the tension has gone beyond the control limit. hence, enforcing such a state of emergency will enable the military to enforce more stringent laws so that peace and security ensues.

hence, i feel that there should be more stringent implementations like the state of emergency as this is one effective, though harsh method, to ensure that the country reaches a level of peace and stability.

1; self introduction

For someone who is so used to the relative familiarity of my personal blog, blogging for General Paper does come with some reservations. Why? I feel that it's because I'm very used to being ignorant to capital letters, proper 'signposts' and all that. It is a new challenge and a new approach in tackling a subject that I already have the jitters about.

A classmate told me that our first entry has to be on self introduction, so here goes. A typical sixteen going on seventeen year old teenager, by the name of Azri Miskal.

I don't really like General Paper, because it seems so challenging, like a much higher level English Comprehension. Hence, given the fact that my skills at comprehension were pretty weak, I'm scared of failure and disappointing results with regards to assignments and tests involving this subject.

But I promise to try my best.