Wednesday, March 28, 2007

1; self introduction

For someone who is so used to the relative familiarity of my personal blog, blogging for General Paper does come with some reservations. Why? I feel that it's because I'm very used to being ignorant to capital letters, proper 'signposts' and all that. It is a new challenge and a new approach in tackling a subject that I already have the jitters about.

A classmate told me that our first entry has to be on self introduction, so here goes. A typical sixteen going on seventeen year old teenager, by the name of Azri Miskal.

I don't really like General Paper, because it seems so challenging, like a much higher level English Comprehension. Hence, given the fact that my skills at comprehension were pretty weak, I'm scared of failure and disappointing results with regards to assignments and tests involving this subject.

But I promise to try my best.

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